Prosperity preachers and word of faith teachers frequently quote Mark 11:24 as proof that we can receive anything we desire if we pray in faith. It’s there favourite go to passage and it appears to be an irrefutable endorsement for their teaching. In this video, I want to show you that this passage has nothing to do with praying for all your carnal desires. This verse is about praying against false teachers and false religious leaders. Pay special attention to the fact that Jesus cleansed the temple just before he made those statements about praying in faith. This is a passage that should encourage us to pray against false teachers in the church such as Creflo Dollar and Kenneth Copeland. This passage should exhort us to pray against false teachers like Joel Osteen and Todd White. Mark 11:24 is an exhortation to believe in prayer for the downfall of the Apostates pretending to be Christians in the church. Jesus used strong language to condemn the false teachers of his day and encourage his disciples to pray for their downfall. Its interesting that Jesus gave this promise right after he cleansed the temple of all the false teachers that were making it a den of thieves.