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In this video we will explore What is Task and how it affects our everyday life.
I will be also sharing some examples of Tasks so it’s easier to understand what it and what role it plays in our life.
Task is an activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time or by a deadline to work towards the goal. In simple words, a task is a piece of work that needs to be done.
It is a small essential piece of a job that serves as a means to differentiate various components of a project.
Tasks can be often broken down into micro tasks to make them easier to work on. This is especially handy if your daily schedule is fragmented.
So you could use Microproductivity to work utilise snippets of time that you have available throughout the day to work on different Micro tasks.
Tasks usually have these characteristics. They usually have an assigned person who is responsible for tasks completion and tasks usually have a due date by which it needs to be completed.
There are 3 main categories where most tasks fall into - One - Incidental tasks that you don’t plan for. Two - routine tasks that you do repeatedly and Three - Project tasks that help you to achieve your goals.
Tasks can be linked together to create dependencies. This means that you can’t work on task B unless you complete task A. You can’t wash dishes (Task B) Unless you buy Washing-Up liquid (Task A)
I hope that you enjoyed this video and I was able to give you a quick overview about what Task is and what role it plays in our life."
Hi, My name is Janis and I’m Content Creator and Entrepreneur.
One thing that I’m really passionate about is Time Management. Time is the resource that we all need to manage in order to achieve our goals.
So on this channel, you will find content about Time Management, Productivity, How to build your daily structure, etc.
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If you are looking for 1to1 accountability coaching then feel free to drop me an email to janis.krekovskis@gmail.com🔥
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