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In this video, we will explore What is Consistency
You have probably heard that consistency is the key so let’s take a closer look at how we can integrate it in our lives.
Consistency, in this case, is repeated action over and over until the desired outcome is achieved.
On the journey to success, we are always tempted to reach for new strategies and try different things.
Unfortunately, that is the best way on how to fail at anything. And let me share you a story from my personal life.
A few years ago I started to go to the gym. I was very skinny as I used to be a long-distance runner and I wanted to build some muscle.
So a read a few books and decided to pick one training program and stick with it. As I started to train many of my friends suggested to switch up my program and try different things.
Gladly I didn’t listen to them and instead used my original program. Over time the results were talking for themselves.
I was making continuous progress while people who suggested me to try different things were stuck with their progress.
The reason why I was getting results was not that I had a better program, but because I was staying consistent over an extended period of time.
I apply the same strategy when it comes to my business as well. I don’t chase the latest and greatest secret strategy to grow my business.
Instead, I stick with basics. At the moment to grow my digital business I’m focusing on creating content.
There is no magic. If you want to get results you have to stay consistent for an extended period of time and the results will come.
I hope that you enjoyed this video and I was able to give you a quick overview of what Consistency is and how you can benefit from it." _________
Hi, My name is Janis and I’m Content Creator and Entrepreneur.
One thing that I’m really passionate about is Time Management. Time is the resource that we all need to manage in order to achieve our goals.
So on this channel, you will find content about Time Management, Productivity, How to build your daily structure, etc.
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If you are looking for 1to1 accountability coaching then feel free to drop me an email to janis.krekovskis@gmail.com🔥
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