#kylenandcrystal #justice4kycry #kylenschulte There was a big tweet to go out last night on how someone came forward talking about how they heard some gunshots and also was camping next to the newlywed couple in the La Sal Mountains. Shoutout to Jonathan lee Riches and All American Dream Chaser! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoAcobJCFoGv9Ib7rYouI9g/join I accept donations through paypal.me/TheMonstersUOB All direct links are at the bottom cashapp $cliffhall12 www.venmo.com/u/TheMobCrew Cash app link below https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEkyNVRUNTQ1SGp1NUxEU0JVT1FhYmUtX3NTZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuOXRtbk9hUW9TaTF2Q2NsbjVFamZTcHIwR1kzekk3VXUyTm82MWx3RjhjWElVUUVjWW1DeUo2WDVoaDFBcThFcjhuNGVUR3RwcUU5V3dnYVp1YlNBaV83Y0oweG5uWE13U2JORzRPQi1PQ1QydEdUMA&q=cash.app%2F%24cliffhall12 Paypal link below https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=channel_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbVRRSk05anBUSEszZnFORFBJTFUtY00wV2FvZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttQ2lzUkJjbVJPem5LSkNzVDduMmR4TjNQdE5EbU56dDlnMEpyM2JDSEV0TlB4QmZHb0NwYlpnM2V4RHhpR1I2SVZjdmc2c3ViUDVfYUQ4aGlPbHo4NHVKWTJFeGNVVm1GZUJOMXZfX09Yd3BDV1dtWQ&q=paypal.me%2FTheMonstersUOB This channel offers updates on murder investigations, cold cases, unsolved murders, missing persons, serial killers, paranormal and so much more. Follow us on Twitter http://twitter.com/TheMonstersUOB My email is knowledgeisop10@gmail.com I upload daily so please subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss an upload.. Gabrielle Petito (born March 19, 1999) is a 22-year-old American woman from Suffolk County, New York, who was reported missing on September 11, 2021, while traveling across the United States with her fiancé. Her family lost contact with her in late August when she was in or near Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. Her body has been discovered in the grand teton valley area and was ruled a homicide by initial reports. Brian Laundrie has been missing since the 15th of september when he left his parents house and supposedly went to go hiking at the carlton reserve and now is being investigated by the fbi as he is the main person of interest in the gabby petito case. He has a warrant out for his arrest on two counts of using a debit/credit card that he was not authorized to use. Brian Laundrie’s remains were found in the Carlton Reserve, so far there is no dna match. They identified the skull through dental records to be Brian Laundrie. Kylen Schulte and Crystal Turner, 38, also known as Crystal Beck, were last seen Saturday when they left a tavern in Moab. One of the women did not show up for work the next day, and her friends said on social media that the couple had called them on Saturday night saying they needed to change their campsite due to a “strange creepy man" Crystal Turner, 38, and Kylen Schulte, 24, were found dead on Aug. 18 with multiple gunshot wounds in the South Mesa area of the La Sal Loop Road, police said last month. They had last been seen alive on Aug. 13 at Woody’s Tavern in downtown Moab, Utah. #gabbypetito #dogthebountyhunter #gabspetito #johnwalsh #news gaby petito gabi peito gabby peiteto brian laundry brian dirty laundry dog the bounty hunter.. Forest Walk by Alexander Nakarada |
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