“A modular set up with Soma Lyra and Ornament”
After digging deep on Lyra and Ornament this is a first “quest” incorporating Soma Lyra and Ornament in a modular set up. This set up is used as a sounddesign set up for an upcoming exhibition, working with it in a former church sounded fine.
Featured gear:
- Soma “Lyra” and “Ornament”.
- Error Instruments “Broken Tape simulator v2”, “Liquid Glitcher” and “J low pass gate”.
- Squarp Instruments “Rample”.
- Waldorf “Pulse 2”
- TipTopAudio “Z-DSP”
- Plus several modular utilities from Pittsburgh Modular.
Recorded in one take slightly mastered.
“Soma Ornament use of time per step instead of a BPM as most sequencers do, that way Ornamenet adds a natural flow”
SONICrider on the web = https://linktr.ee/SONICrider
SOMA = https://somasynths.com
Error Instruments = https://www.errorinstruments.com
Squarp Instruments = https://squarp.net
Waldorf = https://www.waldorfmusic.com/en/
TipTopAudio = https://tiptopaudio.com
Pittsburgh Modular = https://pittsburghmodular.com
On Soundcloud you can listen an EP called "AN ORNAMENTAL (RE)QUEST", this EP was born integrating the SOMA Ornament sequencer in a modular set up:
- The track "AN ORNAMENTAL QUEST" was the first recording and used as the soundtrack for the video.
- While mastering the first track ideas for a second approach landed, "THE ORNAMENTAL REQUEST". Request used the same set up but has a different evolution sound and arrangement wise.