“Your life is always speaking to you in whispers, guiding you to your next right step ..….. It’s a quiet nudge from deep within saying, Hmmm, something feels off.………. It’s the pit in your stomach, or the pause before you speak.……… Whatever form the whisper takes, it’s not a coincidence. Your life is trying to tell you something. “ – Oprah Winfrey
Taruri’s life had been whispering to her for a long time. She knew that things were not right, she’d felt it for a long time. Everything she touched, turned to dust. There was the growing feeling of dread that had become a constant. A nasty break-up opened the door for her to sit with herself and examine the cracks in her life. Taruri Gatere tells of identifying, examining and resolving layers of subtle trauma and limiting beliefs from her childhood. This has allowed her to find meaning, peace and purpose. Now everything she touches blossoms.
#mentalhealth #trauma #selfawareness #healing
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