You and a friend had an argument, a little later you reach out to that friend and instead of communication and clearing the air, you find out that they’ve blocked you on social media and blocked you on their phone. What do you do? Do you retaliate and tell your other friends about this person? Do you get revenge? These ideas sound interesting at the time, but they are not the suggested pathway. So what do you do? First off you want to realize the truth of the situation and the truth of your relationship.
A real friend will try to salvage the relationship and open the lines of communication to create understanding and clarity. Another thing to think about is to realize the red flags in the relationship. Were there several red flags that you omitted? Could you’ve safeguarded yourself? Why did I enter this relationship in the first place? These questions will help you understand how you got there and things you may need to work on. Often we see patterns in our relationships, and these patterns may be presented through situations that are adverse and antithetical to our happiness.