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Short listing can be overwhelming and time consuming, so before your go diving ahead, you need to be well prepared.
1. Choose the right person to do the short listing. This should be someone with the right experience in HR and recruitment processing.
2. Identify essential and desirable criteria. Focusing on these key points should be how you conduct your first round of elimination.
3.How many applicants would you like to interview? It’s very easy to get confused when only a few applicants are left, unfortunately this is where you have to be ruthless.
4. Take your time. Wait until the closing timeline before you begin shotlisting, jumping in too soon and waste your time interviewing the first few applicants that can apply.
5. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone! Don’t be afraid to call an applicant while you’re short listing and requesting further information from them.
6.Respect your applicants. Applicants should never be assessed based on their age, race or sex. You can create a general response to all that are unsuccessful but everyone has the right to a reply.