Finally! Presley’s amazing 27 hour labor and delivery– my water breaking, induced with pitocin, debating over epidural and lots of pushing!! She was worth it. =) Subscribe!
Please note that everyone has a different labor & delivery experience (ie., my mom had 3 natural childbirths, wow!) What I learned from mine…
- Once you are hooked up to I.V., it’s so much harder to move and get into a comfortable position (like we practiced in class).
- I’m hoping that Pitocin really does give your contractions an "edge"– otherwise, I’m a total and complete wimp.
- One of the hardest parts is not eating– lollipops saved me!
- Pushing was difficult because I literally couldn’t feel anything. This could be why I had a longer recovery, because my body wasn’t able to give me feedback.
- Filming provides a GREAT distraction. =)
Let me know if you have any tips!! xx Elle