Beneath the surface of the Earth lies an intriguing place called the Hollow Earth. The ecosystem is lush with forests and jungles but it hosts something even more intriguing, superspecies the size of Titans. Colossal apes, squids, spiders, and insects coexist with one another. The stronger ones prey on the weaker ones but several weaker predators employ exemplary tactics to take down much stronger opponents.
These Massive Unidentified Terrestrial Organisms or M.U.T.O.s are investigated by an organization called the Monarch. Mankind remained oblivious to the existence of Hollow Earth and Skull Island until 2014, when Godzilla emerged to fight two such Titan-sized creatures.
As the Skull Island franchise dives into the diverse world of creatures found in this place, several interesting monsters are introduced to the audience. Some are big, some are smaller, some carnivores, some omnivores, some have intelligence, some show emotions, as notably seen in our MVP, King Kong himself. The MonsterVerse is diverse and brimming with exciting, terrifying, and lethal creatures.
Humans haven’t held excursions in Skull Island since 1973, but the Monarch has encountered several creatures during its excursion that is a gold mine worth of content. In this video, we list down thirty-three such creatures that are unique to Skull Island. Not just existing creatures but we will also talk about dinosaurs that might’ve existed before, as noted from the skeletons found in the Boneyard of the island.
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